
Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

I got caught red-handed

Published 3 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

This week's #ShowUpPositive spark is ALLIEDπŸ™Œ


Happy February, Reader.

You are not alone if you feel like January was a really long month. But here we are, celebrating the month of love and honoring black history.

Way back in 2020, when it felt like the world was coming apart at the seams, I met a black woman who changed my life.

Her name is Tawana Bain.

In Louisville, the racial justice movement featured the tragic death of Breanna Taylor at the hands of police serving a no-knock warrant in the middle of the night.

Surprised by the responses she heard from close friends who were white, Tawana used her platform promoting diversity to host a series of weekly virtual conversations about race.

One of the early challenges she gave to the audience was to intentionally diversify their friends and colleagues.

When asked to name three black or brown friends or colleagues with whom I spend time regularly, I couldn't and I knew it was on me to change that.

In the context of culture repair and co-creating, being secure in the knowledge that team members can count on each other is vital.

I call this being allied.

There is peace of mind in knowing someone has your back. Allies pledge to show up for and help one another. They share a common purpose and mutual respect. Knowing you can count on each other is priceless. These bonds also prevent self-preservation from undermining cooperation during challenging events. Feeling friendless and isolated triggers your instincts to prioritize me over we.
Forming an alliance does not require you to surrender your autonomy and independence. It does rely on your willingness to
Maintain awareness of others’ needs. Take supportive action.Work for the good of the whole.Communicate frequently.
Beyond relief from aloneness, you are likely to experience these additional benefits: camaraderie, bolstered knowledge, enhanced capabilities, broadened strengths, faster response times, and easier recovery from mistakes.

Being a good ally is not limited to racial relationships. In fact, it often starts in your sibling relationships. Sports teams offer young people initial experiences in being allies with people who are not friends.

As you contemplate your readiness and williness to be in alliance with others, consider these questions:

  • With whom am I aligned?
  • What puts my alliance at risk?
  • What are the benefits of allyship?
  • When have I failed to be a good ally?
  • What does alignment make possible?​

Have a fabulous week!

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Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

Author | Speaker | Organizational Psychologist

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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