
Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

Overall how satisfied are you?

Published 26 days ago • 1 min read

Reader, the answer to this question could add years to your life.

Meet Lord Richard Layard, an activist and researcher striving to influence governments around the world to make the happiness of their citizens the measure of national wellbeing, not GDP.

His research shows that one simple question is all that is required: "On a scale of 1-5, overall, how satisfied are you with your life?" This question inspired this week's #ShowUpPositive Spark, SATISFACTION.

His findings, by the way, are one in five people select the number three or lower. Yet, longitudinal studies show that people who select 4 and 5 on average live seven years longer.

Last year, Lord Richard presented his Como Wellbeing Manifesto. This document is a rallying cry to institutionalize wellbeing as a priority in education, business, and government. (click the link above to read and add your signature)

This year he introduced a civic group focused on activating individuals, Action for Happiness.

Here are some ideas that definitely got me thinking.

What if we teach children that purpose is creating happiness
Lord Richard highlighted the fact that our education systems and societal norms teach our children that their purpose is materialism -- get the house, car, clothes, lifestyle. Yet none of these things generate what people need to be satisfied which is sustained happiness.
Lord Richard contrasted this zero-sum approach to culture with the idea of generating a positive-sum culture in which the focus becomes creating happiness for ourselves and others.
Not only would we shift from product-driven cultures that are killing our planet, but would see a dramatic shift in people's mental health. This is especially important to our younger generations who are suffering unprecedented levels of depression and anxiety. So much so that the alfa generation is also being relabeled as the anxiety generation.

Reader, what's your answer to Lord Richard's question?

Here are some ideas to help you increase your SATISFACTION.

  • Start and end each day with gratitude.
  • R.each out to 3 people daily and express appreciation.
  • Start your own Marie Kondo "Spark Joy" practice.
  • Stop accumulating things and start investing in experiences that include people and memory-making moments.
  • Remove the people and things in your life that fuel your dissatisfaction.
  • Get off the comparison train (especially toxic social media).

Remember my number one learning from WOHASU 2024, happiness is learning to want what you have. I think the same is true for increasing your sense of living a satisfying life.

Reader, this is a quest worth pursuing. Enjoy!

Reader, a gift for you

Last year, I launched this special offer—a no-contract, just-in-time collaboration to give you the clarity and confidence you need to move forward. I'm looking to grow my testimonials for this service, so I am offering this at no cost to you in exchange for feedback about your experience that can be turned into social proof.

Ready to give it a try? Schedule here

Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

Author | Speaker | Organizational Psychologist

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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