You might need a shovel

Reader, have I got a story for you.

I never know what inspiration will strike me. This week, I can't stop talking about the #ShowUpPositive Spark: FRESHEN.

At the front of my property, I have a large perennial garden. Each year, the pasque flowers and bulbs bloom, followed by day lilies, calla lilies, crocosmia in a spectacular red, coreopsis, and balloon flowers.

Unfortunately, the weeds like to grow, too. Crabgrass, violets, clover, and dandelions constantly seek a home in my garden. And I must admit that I tend to get lazy about keeping those weeds in check by the hot days of late July and August.

So last weekend, I looked at my overgrown garden and decided it needed a fall refresh.

The job felt daunting until I texted my friend and asked her if she'd like to spend the day with me sprucing up my front flower bed.

Luckily, she said yes, and we spent the first 2.5 hours chatting and pulling weeds. We agreed that several plants needed to be thinned, and I encouraged her to take any plants she wanted for her garden.

When we finished, it was much improved. However, I also saw that I needed to add a fresh layer of mulch.

Despite the noon hour, we decided to wait on lunch and headed to the garden center to get mulch.

As we walked in, she suggested that I add some asters or pansies for additional color.

We found a gorgeous selection of fall flowers in a variety of colors. Since the bed was thinned and I had more space, I grabbed a cart, and we selected various new plants that caught our eye.

Back at the house, I began spreading the 15 cubic feet of mulch, and my friend grabbed her shovel and started dropping in the new plants.

My refreshed garden makes me so happy. I look forward to pulling into my driveway and being greeted by this lovely and colorful bed.

So why am I telling you all of this, Reader?

There are so many parallels between my garden and life.

Weeds happen in your life, too. They are grudges and resentments that keep you stuck in a negative mindset.

Your overgrown plants are the perfectionism and high achievement you pursue relentlessly that also zap your energy and cause burnout.

So, Reader, I'm inviting you to take some time this week to reflect on the garden of your life and do some fall refresh of your own.

What stories do you need to let go of because they are stealing your joy?

What weeds of anger and resentment do you need to pull and throw away?

How much space do you want to make for new opportunities that excite you and bring happiness?

Reader, I think a fall refresh is what we all need. Care to join me?

🥰 Who do you know that is looking for a speaker for meetings, workshops, or trainings? An introduction would be awesome! 🥰

Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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