Can you MacGyver?

Reader, I've got three words for you: mindset, meaning, and MacGyver.

It turns out that MINDSET + MEANING + MACGYVER is the secret to this week's #ShowUpPositive Spark, RESILIENT

Let's start with MINDSET and break it down.

The first common trait shared by resilient people and companies is their staunch acceptance of reality.

Rather than adopting a baseless optimism and being disappointed repeatedly, resilient people accept the reality of their situation, no matter how brutal, while maintaining unwavering faith that they will prevail.

Both POWs and survivors of the Nazi concentration camps reported that those who chose optimism instead of realism lost hope and were among the first to die.

Reader, it turns out that the mind is a powerful force for both bad and good, depending on your choice.

The second trait of resilient people is they find MEANING despite their adversity.

Meaningfulness is intensely personal and often revealed as a reflection of family and societal contribution.

Meaning can't be dictated by others, nor is it sustained continuously. It is highly contextual and episodic.

The final trait of resilient people is their ability to improvise with what they have and find a way forward, just like MACGYVER .

Whether you caught the original MacGyver from my childhood or the reboot last decade, you know that MacGyver's superpower is his ability to improvise and use the most random materials to get himself out of a dangerous situation or gain access to critical information.

There you have it, Reader, the secrets to being more resilient:

  • Face down reality, no matter how harsh
  • Maintain a deep belief that life is meaningful despite setbacks
  • Improvise and convert setbacks into progress

Which of these strengths do you have, and which do you want to cultivate? I have a half day training on developing resilience that I'd love to bring to you and your team.

🥰 Who do you know that is looking for a speaker for meetings, workshops, or trainings? An introduction would be awesome! 🥰

Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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